The magic of using bin_size in contexts.

Imagine a world that when you need to know the existence of a file you have to read all it's content.
Or a little less tragic version... you just have to check the size of a file in filesystem.

As of v13.0 you will always read the full contents of a file and if bin_size is needed - the bytes are counted.

Imagine a eCommerce category with a 50 products per page.
This means that 50 images with resolution of 1920x1920 will be read from disk - only to indicate that product has a image!
And if so, link to a image with a 512x512 will be linked into template instead.
A good quality 1920 image can be up to a 1MB.
So server will read about 50MB worth of data - manipulates it by encoding it to a base64 content and eventually does nothing but indicates that a product has a image... sweet, IOPS well spent!

We made a solution for that problem.
You can download and enjoy it from odoo apps store.
BTW, it's FREE!

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The magic of using bin_size in contexts.
Alvar Vilu
22 September, 2020
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